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Prestige Group

Prestige Group powers unified, omni channel customer experience by personalizing customer conversations and simplifying home buying decisions.

Prestige Group

Problem - Lead Leakage

Before Absolute CX:

  • Over 14 different disconnected communication vendors
  • Delayed and manual data entry
  • Only manual means of lead interaction

After Absolute CX:

  • Only 4 vendors and that too integrated with core solution
  • Real-Time and automated data entry
  • 80% of lead interaction automated

Result - Over 3500 fresh leads per month

Problem - Lead Turnaround Time (TAT)

Before Absolute CX:

  • Manual Lead Assignment
  • Only LILO (Last-In and Last-Out) logic
  • Manual task reminders
  • Only manual means of lead interaction

After Absolute CX:

  • Fully automated and real-time lead assignment
  • Combination of LILO and Lead’s Intent
  • Automated reminders
  • 80% of lead interaction automated

Result - 79% leads processed in under 15 mins

Problem - Real Time Booking Process

Before Absolute CX:

  • Manual Booking Form Generation
  • Manual Data Entry into the core system
  • Physical KYC
  • Google-sheet based inventory availability and blocking

After Absolute CX:

  • 100% Online Booking Form
  • 100% Automated Data Entry
  • 100% Online KYC
  • Real-Time Inventory availability and blocking

Result - Over 3500 fresh leads per month

Problem - Total Customer Experience

Before Absolute CX:

  • Every interaction starts from Ground Zero
  • Only Call based interaction
  • Absence of Relationship Manager
  • Zero personalisation
  • On-Request Info Disbursement

After Absolute CX:

  • Every interaction starts from the end of the last one
  • Omni-Channel Interaction
  • 100% Relationship Manager led interactions
  • 75% personalisation
  • On and before demand Info Disbursement

Result - Transition from Transaction to Relationship Mode

Problem - Thriving CP Relationship

Before Absolute CX:

  • Empanelment took over 7 days
  • Manual follow-up on CP Leads
  • Lack of clarity on lead status
  • Manual Invoicing
  • Zero support on technology capability

After Absolute CX:

  • Under 5 mins empanelment
  • Automated Lead-based Milestone tasks created for CPs
  • 60% transparency on lead status
  • 100% automated invoicing
  • Fully Embedded Technology capabilities

Result - Seamless Tagging, Statuses, Invoices, Payments and Team Management achieved.